Bias-Variance Tradeoff
December 29, 2023
Recently, I have begun working through some of the simpler ML/algorithms/models, such as KNN, logistical regression. The bias-variance tradeoff regularly appears in the materials I am reading.
I do have a vague notion about overfitting, for example “perfecting” a training set by addding addition parameters (dimensions?). When model is run on testing data, of course, it does not work as well.
Seems plausible to me, but something bothers me. I have worked through the mathematical derviations of bias-tradeoff a few times (here, here, and here), understand some not all of the math, yet continue to walk about realizing I still do understand this at an intutive level.
Is bias-variance tradeoff like the Uncertainty Principle ?
\[ \Delta{x}*\Delta{p} = \frac{h}{2*pi} \]
This article greatly helped:
There are b_hat people and y_yat people. This shed some light.
This diagram from wikipedia turned the lightbulb on:
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