I seem to forget exact punctuation in R and need a few tries to get it right. TryCatch is one example!
The trick is use formatting so things wrong will stick out. Rahul !so 12193779 has excellent example: Note the use of curly braces {} as well as parenthesis () https://stackoverflow.com/q/12193779/5057251 https://stackoverflow.com/a/53876586/5057251
log_calculator <-function(x){tryCatch(expr = {message(log(x))message("Successfully executed the log(x) call.") },error =function(e){message('Caught an error!')print(e) },warning =function(w){message('Caught an warning!')print(w) },finally = {message('All done, quitting.') } ) }log_calculator(10)log_calculator("10")....-><simpleError inlog(x): non-numeric argument to mathematical function>